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3D Compatible with 3D image signals in full HD resolution.

Bildformat (bildförhållande)

Bildformat (bildförhållande)
Läs mer om Bildformat (bildförhållande)

Bildkalibrering – ISF

Bildkalibrering – ISF ISF ccc is a standard for calibrating HD equipment, such as TVs and projectors.
Läs mer om Bildkalibrering – ISF

Bildteknik – LED TV

Bildteknik – LED TV

Bildteknik – OLED-TV

Bildteknik – OLED-TV

Bildupplösning – 2K Full HD / 1080p (1920 x 1080)

Bildupplösning – 2K Full HD / 1080p (1920 x 1080)

Bildupplösning – 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160)

Bildupplösning – 4K Ultra HD (3840x2160) The device supports full 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution

Bildupplösning – 8K Ultra UHD (7680x4320)

Bildupplösning – 8K Ultra UHD (7680x4320) The device supports 8K Full UHD (7680 x 4320) resolution

Bildupplösning – WUXGA (1920 x 1200)

Bildupplösning – WUXGA (1920 x 1200)

Bildupplösning – WXGA (1280 x 800)

Bildupplösning – WXGA (1280 x 800)

Blu-ray 3D

Blu-ray 3D A Blu-Ray player capable of playing back 3D discs. A common feature found in virtually all Blu-Ray players, regardless of price.
Läs mer om Blu-ray 3D

Blu-ray Ultra HD

Blu-ray Ultra HD The Device is capable of playing 4K UHD Blu-Ray discs.

Dolby Vision

Dolby Vision
Läs mer om Dolby Vision


Läs mer om EPSON 4K PRO-UHD

Filmmaker Mode

Filmmaker Mode Genom att inaktivera all efterbehandling (t.ex. rörelseutjämning etc.) och bevara korrekta bildförhållanden, färger och bildhastigheter gör Filmmaker Mode din TV möjlighet att visa filmens eller tv-showens innehåll precis som det var avsedd av filmskaparen.
Läs mer om Filmmaker Mode

HDR - High Dynamic Range

HDR - High Dynamic Range
Läs mer om HDR - High Dynamic Range


Linsförskjutning Lens shifting is predominantly found in projectors. It allows adjustment of the displayed picture, without physically repositioning the projector; instead, the lens inside the housing shifts and moves in order to allow the desired adjustment.
Läs mer om Linsförskjutning

Ljusnivå – 500 NITS

Ljusnivå – 500 NITS

Panasonic 4K Pro: Studio Master UHD

Panasonic 4K Pro: Studio Master UHD

Projektor ljuskälla – Laser LED

Projektor ljuskälla – Laser LED

Projektor ljuskälla – LED

Projektor ljuskälla – LED

Projektor ljuskälla – UHP/UHE lampa

Projektor ljuskälla – UHP/UHE lampa

Projektorteknik – 3LCD

Projektorteknik – 3LCD 3LCD is at teknologi present in projectors. The Light source projects a white light, which is split and divided among 3 chips, each generating an image in a basic color (blue, green and red). The 3 images are then combined in a focusing prism, creating the full-color image, and projected onto the screen.

Projektorteknik – D-ILA

Projektorteknik – D-ILA D-ILA (Direct Drive Image Light Amplifier) is a technology compriosed of three individually colored chips (blue, green, and red). The light source is polarized, split, and reflected off of each chip, then focused and magnified through a lens to construct the image projected onto the screen.

Projektorteknik – DLP

Projektorteknik – DLP DLP - Digital Light Processing - utilizes a digital chip with several micromirrors to reflect the light from the lamp onto the screen. The light passes through a colorwheel spinning at several thousand rounds per minute in order to colorize the light reflected, resulting in the final processed image.

Projektorteknik – SXRD

Projektorteknik – SXRD Silicon X-tal Reflective Display - SXRD is a proprietary of Sony, similar in design to D-ILA technology. The light is seperated and reflected through 3 liquid crystal panels, each in their own color (blue, green and red). The colors are then combined and focused through a lens, creating the final image.


THX-certifierad THX is neither a technology, nor a recording format, but rather a quality assurance standard. A THX-certified movie theater can be expected to deliver an audio/video experience close to what the mixing engineers intended.

Consumer equipment bearing the certification has the same intention as mentioned above, albeit on a smaller scale.
Läs mer om THX-certifierad

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